Frightening on so many levels

From GQ, which I have read about once, comes this terrifying feature…

Lamb and Lynx Gaede are like a lot of 13-year-old girls. Except that they love Hitler and sing songs glorifying white supremacy. Aaron Gell confronts ethnic cleansing’s hottest act, Prussian Blue.

Oh look, they’re so wholesome, and aren’t the little Hitler smileys just adorable??

One thought on “Frightening on so many levels

  1. They make me so mad! I can’t even express it in any way that I wouldn’t get arrested for!! I went to these two sick f#*%’s website and looked around. The forums they have are terrible as well!! They are advertising that “Blacks are as much more dangerous than whites as men are more dangerous than women.” and thats not even close to all of it. I can’t stand people with that mentality, and then they have quotes like “He who fights the Jews battles the Devil.” What the hell is that!?!?! Honestly, I’m glad we have free speech, so that I can make this rant, but if we didn’t have free speech, then we wouldn’t have people like this advertising, and others actually buying their “music”. The music could be considered a hate crime itself. And who names their kid “Lamb?”

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